Sunday, October 19, 2008

St Joseph's Kids

I want to share more, but I wanted to mention that Claire, Patrick's wife, was sharing a few stories with me about some of the kids at St Joseph's. She said that many of them have no future after school and her and the teachers started a fund to raise money to help them with school fees if they want to go to college.

They also collect a little food and money to send home care packages with kids especially at Christmas time, but also at other times. She said that two kids were in such bad shape because of lack of care that they had head lice and it was obvious they hadn't bathed in some time. She washed them and said she had never seen such gratitude over something so simple as a bath. As she washed them the one child looked up into her eyes and just kept saying thank you.

They sent someone by the house and found there was no food in the house and it was in pretty bad shape. There was a bath though and it seems that there just isn't much care for the child. It was really sad and she's putting together a care package for them to go home with. I gave some money that Teri and Brennan Trick gave me to help this family out (and if it was too much it could go to other children in need from St Jo's).

If anyone wants to help with these kids or others like them from St. Jo's let me know and I'll pass it along. Right now the Rand is very week $1 = R10 which is a great exchange rate so very little money can go a long way.

Thank you in advance for your generocity!


katomalley said...

How can we give money? Transfer to you or go online somewhere?

Feli said...

Thank you!

Polo said...

Yes, how can we give money? I would love to help out.
Thanks for everything you are doing in SA. You are loved.

Marcus O'Malley said...

send the money to Dad a.k.a. Mike O'Malley, email me if you want the address. LOVE YOU GUYS TOO