Sunday, October 19, 2008

Professor O'Malley

I have more to say about all of the things I've been doing this week, but will try to do this again soon. I wanted to post a funny story though. Leighton is the 22 year old son ofPatrick and enjoys his jokes.

I was dressed nicer with a button down shirt when I came home from a meeting. Leighton was heading over to the University so I said I'd go with because I wanted to meet with someone in the writing department to talk about an idea of using writing students to help churches/non-profits go after government funding. Patrick said that many churches didn't know how to go after and didn't have the skills to go after millions of dollars in the government that was available.

So Leighton says good you're dressed nice they might think you're a professor (a nickname he's been calling me since I got here - not sure the exact origin probably because I have something to say about everything?). So I laugh and go on. Next thing I know we're in the office of the Writing Department and he introduces to the secretary as me as a professor from America with a project proposal. I blush and flinch, but stay quiet. The secretary didn't notice and makes a quick call to the Head of Department says there is a professor from Australia here to speak with ehr and not before she hung up the phone I'm on my way down the hall to meet the HOD. Leighton introduces me once again and then heads off to take care of his needs. I've recovered enough to just smile and shake her hand and she takes me to a conference room.

I shared my idea, about Immerge and how we've used interns and she asked me to email her the idea. I did so just now and we'll see how it goes. It was SO funny though. Leighton said later that he never could have gotten a meeting with an HOD.

1 comment:

Polo said...

Well Professor O'Malley, I hope things are going well for you in all your proposals, and I hope that soon they will become reality.